Street Photography & Printmaking: Capturing and Inspiring Montpelier

Street Photography & Printmaking: Capturing and Inspiring Montpelier


only 3 spots left!

For Grades 3 to 5

Our two most popular fall classes, now in hybrid form!

While we still have evening light, we’ll focus on street photography, showing the world how captivating and beautiful our capitol city is! In this photography class, children will learn photo composition, the basics of aperture and shutter speed, as well as tips for taking spontaneous photos live on the streets of Montpelier. We’ll go on guided hikes through downtown Montpelier, where kids will practice their new skills and capture the heart and recovery of our beloved city.

Once the sun starts setting earlier in the evenings, we’ll switch to printmaking, bringing messages of awareness and hope to Central Vermont. Brian Herrick will lead a team of students in a variety of printmaking methods to create posters, t-shirts and more to spread awareness on topics chosen by the students.

Each student will have the chance to display their prints and photographs around town and at our Winter Artist’s Showcase.

Children will need to bring their own digital cameras to the studio. Please contact us if your child would like to take the class but doesn’t have access to a camera.

This class will run for 10 weeks, each week building on the prior week’s work. We will provide a walking school bus from Union Elementary School to Wilder Arts Studio.

Fridays 3pm to 5pm | September 1 2023 to November 17, 2023 (No class on Oct 6th and Nov 10th)

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