Ready. Set. SPRING!

Ready. Set. SPRING!


Only 2 spots left!

Who is excited for Spring? Ready to pack away those winter boots and play in the garden?

In this class we will prepare for the changing of the seasons and look forward to flowers, gardens and all things Spring. From rainbow-colored wildflower seed bombs and bird houses, to starter seedling trays and personalized mosaic stepping stones, we’re here to help you get ready for spring!

Children will work with a variety of materials and across multiple disciplines including clay shaping, woodworking, cement casting and more. We will also emphasize the important role we can each play in being stewards of our local environment, to help our local pollinators and wildlife thrive.

We will provide a walking school bus from Union Elementary School.

(We are committed to our students, families, and staff safety and health. To register for this class, children must have had at least their first COVID vaccination or have an appointment to receive their first COVID vaccination. All Wilder Arts staff are fully vaccinated and boosted. Everyone will be required to wear masks, regardless of vaccination status inside the studio. We will also continue to open windows and utilize our 3 air purifiers. We will also use our outdoor spaces as much as possible, for snacks and play.)

Tuesdays 3pm to 5pm | March 22, 2022 to April 26, 2022 (No class on April 19th)

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