A World of Candy: A Candymaking, Science, and Geography Class

A World of Candy: A Candymaking, Science, and Geography Class


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For Grades 3-5

Have you ever wondered what kind of candy children eat in Tokyo? Or Sao Paulo? Come with us on our sugar-fueled journey as we travel the globe and learn about different countries and cultures, through candy!

Each week, children will study a new country and its traditional foods, and then work together to cook up a batch of confections that they’ll bring home to share with friends and family. (And candymaking is mostly about science, so we will of course have to discuss whatever those molecules are doing.)

This class will run for 12 weeks, each week introducing a new country and recipe. Drop off is between 3-3:30pm. We will have a walking school bus from Union Elementary School.

Thursdays 3pm to 5pm | November 30, 2023 to February 22, 2024 (No class on December 28th.)

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